jueves, 7 de febrero de 2008

RV: [RIMA] Prize for rural women / Prix pour femmes rurales 2008]

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-----Mensaje original-----
De: rima-lista-bounces@tau.org.ar [mailto:rima-lista-bounces@tau.org.ar] En
nombre de Monica Laura Creus Ureta
Enviado el: jueves, 07 de febrero de 2008 3:20
Para: Red Informativa de Mujeres de Argentina
Asunto: [RIMA] Prize for rural women / Prix pour femmes rurales 2008]
Importancia: Alta

Queridas no dudo que existen mujeres rurales extraordinarias y creativas.
Recibí esta invitación y la comparto.
Propongo que, desde este espacio de Rima, surgan aquellas que podamos
nominar para que sean reconocidas y premiadas por su esfuerzo y su trabajo

Lic.Mónica Laura Creus Ureta

**_WWSF PRIZE for women's creativity in rural life _*

_Deadline 31 March 2008 _

Dear WWSF Members and Friends,

The Women's World Summit Foundation cordially invites you to submit
nominations for its 15th annual *_PRIZE for women's creativity in rural
life_*, honouring creative and courageous women and women's
organisations working to improve the quality of life in rural
communities around the world.

Since inception of the prize program in 1994, *331* Laureates have been
honoured for their creativity with a cash donation of US$ 500 each and
US$ 3000 for established organizations in Africa. All Laureates and
their profiles are published on our web site

http://www.woman.ch/home.php A travelling exposition is giving
visibility to all the prize winners which has recently been exhibited at
the United Nations in Geneva during a Human Rights Council session.

*WWSF is happy to announce that the United Nations General Assembly (6
November 2007) decided to declare that _15 October_ of each year shall
be officially proclaimed and observed as the International Day for rural
Given your experience, interest and perspective with regard to issues of
development, human rights, micro-credit, peace building and empowerment
of women, we greatly appreciate your participation and thank you in
advance for sending us your candidates. 15 to 20 prize winners will
again be selected in 2008 and several of them will be invited to Geneva
to personally present their work at an award ceremony on 15 October –
International Day for rural women.

Your nomination(s), *following the guidelines attached*, should arrive
no later than *_31 March 2008_*.

We wish you a most successful New Year and look forward to hearing from you.


Elly Pradervand
WWSF Executive Director

WWSF *Women's World Summit Foundation
11 Avenue de la Paix 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
Email: wrwd@wwsf.ch <mailto:wrwd@wwsf.ch> www.woman.ch


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