jueves, 26 de junio de 2008

RV: [EQ] Congress on Health Sciences Information (CRICS 8) Scientific information and knowledge for innovation in health


De: Equity, Health & Human Development [mailto:EQUIDAD@LISTSERV.PAHO.ORG] En nombre de Ruggiero, Mrs. Ana Lucia (WDC)
Enviado el: martes, 24 de junio de 2008 17:28
Asunto: [EQ] Congress on Health Sciences Information (CRICS 8) Scientific information and knowledge for innovation in health

8th Regional Congress on Health Sciences Information (CRICS 8)

16-19 September 2008 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) and the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (BIREME/PAHO/WHO)

The main theme of the CRICS8 – Scientific information and knowledge for innovation in health, will approach the critical function the information and the scientific knowledge play in the processes of generation, adoption, and adaptation of innovations in the social and economic development, particularly in health systems and services.

The information and knowledge sources and flows that are produced and operated by means of products, services, and events of information and communication comprise the fabric that unites, sustains and systematically innovates the relationships, policies, programs and practices of the instances of promotion, research, technology, industry and the health systems and services in favor of the social inclusion and of the equity.

The thematic tracks of CRICS 8 are:

- Policies and programs for information and scientific communication;
- Knowledge dissemination, social inclusion and democracy;
- Information, communication and scientific evidence for competence development;
- State-of-the-art of Scientific Communication;
- Information, knowledge and health institutions management;
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and convergences;
- Health scientific knowledge for social development.

CRICS reflects the advances and the challenges developing countries face on the operation of information products and services through cooperative networks that involve hundreds of institutions, including the Virtual Health Library (VHL), the Scientific Information Electronic Library Online (SciELO), the International Network of Information and Knowledge Sources for Science, Technology and Innovation Management (ScienTI), the Virtual Campus of Public Health (CVSP), the Global Health Library (GHL), TropIKA.net , EVIPNet, and the ePORTUGUESe networks.




*      *      *     *

This message from the Pan American Health Organization, PAHO/WHO, is part of an effort to disseminate
information Related to: Equity; Health inequality; Socioeconomic inequality in health; Socioeconomic
health differentials; Gender; Violence; Poverty; Health Economics; Health Legislation; Ethnicity; Ethics;
Information Technology - Virtual libraries; Research & Science issues.  [DD/ KMS Area]

“Materials provided in this electronic list are provided "as is". Unless expressly stated otherwise, the findings
and interpretations included in the Materials are those of the authors and not necessarily of The Pan American
Health Organization PAHO/WHO or its country members”.

PAHO/WHO Website: http://www.paho.org/
Equity List - Archives - Join/remove: http://listserv.paho.org/Archives/equidad.html





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